Thursday 26 June 2008

The Louvre (in the art, not slatted window sense)

Well, it only took four months but we finally went to the Louvre. On a Wednesday evening one can buy a ticket for six euros and I must say that wandering the halls in the glow of extended summer evening was rather lovely.

Here are some pictorial highlights.

Good ceiling work

18th Century meta-painting

Bernie and David resting feet.

The apartments of Napoleon the third (was a little less impressive and didn't rely on a three cornered hat).

But of course, one of the main reasons for visiting the Louvre is to see Mona Lisa or La Joconde. The painting, which is housed in a different room than when I was last here, is more a cultural object than anything to do with art. I find Da Vinci's other paintings just as interesting but one needs to visit this part of the gallery if only to watch the effect of the painting on fellow patrons. Mostly disappointment, I have to say, some excitement, and much taking of pictures.

The sun was setting as we left at 10pm and I think it will not be long before I return.

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