Wednesday, 23 July 2008


Last night we went to a slam poetry night at a bar in Belleville called Culture Rapide on the corner of rue Belleville and Julien Lacroix. Slam poetry is a competition where poets perform their piece and are given a score by the judges - in this case picked randomly from the audience - then a final follows and a winner is crowned.

My favourite poem of the night, perhaps because I understood it, began with "When I grow up I'll drink whisky, eat peanuts and smoke cigarettes".

Sadly we didn't see the finals due to the impending last Metro but the mojitos were cheap and tasty, the poetry performative and the locale was just what I'd heard about Belleville - cool in the way of an area only just shifting from immigrant to artist, we all know that bobo is not too far behind.

For more details about slam in Paris click here.

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