Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Mmm, Gelato

I generally planned to avoid chains on coming to Paris but the Amorino gelato chain is one exception. In my vicinity they have shops on rue Vielle du Temple, Ile St Louis and rue de la Huchette.

This was Biscotto and Creme Caramel and it is heaven, especially with fresh raspberries which are so ridiculously cheap here.

Friday, 18 April 2008

London Part II

Other photos include: Inventive wall decoration in Notting Hill.

Victoria's idolatrous monument to Albert.

Alice in Bloomsbury.

David in the British Museum

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Alice does London

Yes, this is a Paris blog but I figure it's ok to do one post on London since my conclusion is, Paris is way better. Alice's magical mystery tour of London including accidentally seeing many of the sites, enjoying the free museums and determining that I understand only a limited range of the English vernacular.

British Museum

Buckingham Palace which Alice could not be bothered to cross the road to see. A soldier's life is terribly hard, said Alice - but my life is rather leisurely.

Something big.

A real and truly coffee shop where I enjoyed a five bean ristretto.

Bus shelter advertising on how to behave.

Perhaps there will have to be a second London post, I think that's enough for now.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Springtime wandering

So just as some evidence that Spring is here, despite some rather cold days, here are some photos from wanderings around Le Jardin du Luxembourg, which still make me think of Sartre's La Nausee and the protagonists own wanderings where all the trees reminded him of phalluses. Make up your own minds.

Here's a requisite Alice posing photo.

And here's a strange little shop besmirching the elegance of the gardens.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Aini - meeny - miney - mo

Well campers, Alice has bought a new skirt and it's more than a little pretty. The shop is Aini, a little spot, tucked between Place Des Vosges and rue Saint Antoine in the 4e.

It has no zip or buttons but relies on a fold and the tie. The designer was in the shop at the time of purchase and while she spoke to me in very speedy French I think I understood most of it. The inspiration is in part from kimonos, she is one of a team of three who design the clothes and they've had their shop for five years. The website (link above) is mostly under construction but I think I could well be going back, so this blog could become something of a Aini catalogue. In my opinion, it's just wonderful and so I wanted to share.